Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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GPBA week 5

GPBA week 5

Q Complete the worksheet here before watching the video. After both of those respond in the forum. Files: GPBA Week 5 worksheet (.pdf, 19K) 19 kb document Before you watch this week's video - fill out the form on the assignment page. Once you've done that, watch the video, and then talk about the video and your responses.

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I think that self-serving bias exists and it is practiced by most individuals including me. This is because in my responses to the worksheet/form for this week, I had given myself 5 for being angry at myself to text/talk on my phone. However, when I had rated the other driver, most of my ratings had been above 5. This truly shows that we tend to judge others before judging ourselves. This is because it becomes more convenient for our psychological senses